This is what house 4 looked like on the first day we arrived at the Habitat for Humanity build, Plane Grande, Honduras
This is House 4 at the start of week 2, not a lot of progress (only 3 courses) and lots of mud. Habitat for Humanity build, Plane Grande, Honduras
Tuesday morning of week 2, the floors have been levelled and most of the water drained from inside the house. Habitat for Humanity build, Plane Grande, Honduras
Tuesday morning of week 2, the floors have been levelled and most of the water drained from inside the house, but still a real mess. Habitat for Humanity build,…
Wednesday morning of week 2 and progress is visible. Habitat for Humanity build, Plane Grande, Honduras
Thursday morning of week 2 and 6½ courses completed. Habitat for Humanity build, Plane Grande, Honduras